For more pertinent information on the last days rapture see: "Thy Kingdom Come" at http//
Sunday, August 14, 2011
THE 144,000
There are some real problems with Modernist's view of the 144,000. (Revelation 7:1-8/14:1-5))They see these people as witnesses during a so called Great Tribulation Period! (1) The term "the" Great Tribulation Period is a term made up by Bible correctors, just as they make up the terminology "The" anti christ and insert him into the text of 2 Thessalonians 2:3! Read 1 John 2:18-22 for a definition of anti christ, who it is and that the spirit of ant-christ was already working in "the last days", (Hebrews 1:2/64 AD) (See also 2 John 2:7/deceivers) Continuing with the 144,000, they are all male, they are all virgins from the 12 Tribes of Israel, you have to make a big leap to make this into today's Church. Also notice that the Tribe of Dan is omitted and the Tribe of Manasses is added, so that to interpret these verses in a way that the twelve tribes represent the Church in a future period of 7 years of Great Tribulation is fraught with difficulities. Email: or domain;
Friday, July 15, 2011
The words in Matthew 24:14; "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end come," seem to cause great confusion among Bible scholars. Let us look at this verse in the light of the scripture! (1) All the world; See Luke 2:1 where the Bible says that "all the world shall be taxed." (2) The End; The end of what?... (the known world system)....Galatians 1:4 says; Christ would deliver us from this "present evil world." By reading Daniel 12:4-13 we discover that Daniel refers "not" to the final end of the world, but the "end of the days," which is a reference to the completion of Daniel's 70th week! Simon Peter writes (1 Peter 4:7) that "the end of all things is at end." All the Epistles seem to point to a climax of events in the framework of the 1st Century. (The time is at hand) So on the day of Pentecost there was a coming together of Spirit filled men endowed with the gift of Languages to convey the message to those that would preach the Gospel, for a "witness unto all nations" and then those that were warned of God fled Jerusalem, prior to its destruction in 70 A.D.... and thus their "flesh" was saved or they went into captivity, and then the end came. Luke 21:22; "For these be the days of vengeance, (Isa.61:2) that all things which are written may be fulfilled." "First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout "the whole world." (Romans 1:8) Fulfilment of the prophecy (6 items in Daniel 9:24) of Daniel's 70th week did "not" require the 2nd Coming of Christ! DGL Please read the articles at
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
It appears to me that those purveyors of Doom will be very busy between now and the year 2012, as they prophesy of the end of the world and all of the horrifying things that they imagine will accompany it. However, I am comforted to know that the cloud surrounding the end of all things as we know them has a rainbow with a silver lining in it! The scriptures in Ephesians 3:21(b) say; "World without end, Amen." So whatever God has planned in the future, it does not mean the end of His world. If Christians believed these things....don't you suppose that they should live their lifes accordingly? If they were "really" anticipating the return of Christ at any time, would they take on a 2nd or 3rd wife? It should cause their life to take on new meaning and if they had this purifying hope in their heart, then they should glorify God by soul winning, a true sign that they actually believed what they say about Christ "and he that winneth souls is wise." (Proverbs 11:30(b)(See Daniel 12:1-3) DGL
Saturday, July 2, 2011
In all of this world there is nothing so glorious as the thought of the Bride of Christ being united with the Bridegroom in an Eternal home of Heavenly bliss. However, the distorted teachings that have been propagated throughout the 20th century and now in the 21st century are alarming. Wouldn't it be nice for a change to spend some time thinking about "the Glorious Appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" and not a "secret" catching up at the Midnight Hour? The proponents of a "secret" pre tribulational rapture have obviously been "Blinded By The Light" of their own man made doctrine! It should be clear to all that examine this false doctrine, that the scripture which says "Every eye shall see Him," is intended to be a tribute to the appearing of the Lord "with power and great glory." (Matthew 24:30(c) Contact: Doug Lamb In Pensacola, Florida 850-449-3866
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